Revista de alta gama para soñar.

Revista de alta gama para soñar es el resultado de un mes de trabajo intensivo con Andrea y Gabriel, con Consuelo, Piti, Mica y Paola durante el seminario online – huellas. El soporte que encontré durante estas cinco semanas me permitieron explorar espacios interiores que dieron lugar a esta reflexión visual. Muchas gracias al grupo por estar y permitirme saltar sin red.

El resultado os lo muestro a continuación:

8 am_2021


No tengas miedo a ser diferente, no renuncies a tus sueños, ve tras ellos. Sal de la manda, abandona el rebaño, siguiéndolo no vas a ser feliz. Escucha a tu corazón, vive tu vida. No hagas caso a los que te critican, tienen miedo, son conformistas, tú les recuerdas lo que no son capaces de hacer, no dejes que el miedo te paralice.



  • ¿Te imaginas que os pudiésemos llamar por teléfono?

No sé qué es real y qué es mi imaginación, no logro diferenciar mis recuerdos reales de los que he creado.

Podéis descubrir todo el proyecto en la página de SM Pro Art Circle.

                                          Consigue la revista.


Can I call you? 

I don’t know what is real and what is not.

Those days in your home were so happy, it smelled of Heno de Pravia‘s perfume and I learned to type.

– Don’t be afraid to be different, don’t give up on your dreams, go after them. Get out of the gang, leave the herd, following them won’t make you happy. Listen to your heart, live your life. Don’t listen to those who criticize you, they are afraid, they are conformists, you remind them of  what they are not capable of doing, don’t let fear paralyze you.

I would like to be a child again, just a little while, I would like to come back to your home and eat your cannelloni. Why is life so unfair?

Appearances are deceiving and sometimes the wounds of the soul are more painful than those of the blood.

We have to respect the time of the nature, but quite often humans think they are clever and they are in a hurry and make mistakes.

Everything that is different has to be criticised, that’s how this society works. You always said something like that to me when I was a child and I didn’t understand it.

I don’t want to complain, I just tell you my things, but these days are quite strange and first the dark comes out because it’s heavier and then the light will arrive because it is lighter. I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know the end, but I’m curious, I have to trust. Life is like a wheel, like a wave, it goes up and down, now we are at the bottom, but step by step I will go up again, the light is my goal. I imagine myself swimming towards the surface like a fish looks for the rays of the sun in the ocean. Life is like art, like all this I’m telling you, I don’t know where I’m going, but at some point it will all make sense, just like all the pieces of a puzzle fit together.